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  • Dawn Meaden-Johnson

Strategic Jewellery Design Naming : Think Sales, Exposure & Credibility

Choosing a name for your jewellery design - blog -

Choosing a name for a Jewellery design, range or project is much more important than you think if you want it to helpfully benefit the outcome you require, whether that be sales, exposure or credibility.

Making a project name work for you

Personal Research or Design Project

A name has no importance other than to you in the moment - but what about the future? Your Exhibition pieces could be used in future to promote your skill and credibility as a maker.

Peer or Exhibition related project

A name should reflect the ethos of a particular project, a collection narrative and you as a jewellery Designer.

Sales Project/Item

  • A name should be easy for YOUR ideal customers to find it they search on the internet or social media, and reflect the inspiration for the piece and or materials used.

  • A little bit of research on Google or Pinterest can helpfully provide some inspiration for product names. Be original and remember trademarks may apply to existing commercial names

Product Description & Google

  • Make it practical & relevant

  • Add a descriptive that will resonate with your ideal customer and their interests

  • Add some detail that provides background design inspiration etc, think about how this would be perceived by your ideal customer, what would interest them?

  • Make your description customer search friendly. Help Google find your work.

  • Use Alt-Image keywords on your images. Help Google understand the image content.

  • If a piece is part of a collection of works be consistent with your descriptions across the whole collection.

Important points of note

  1. Think about the purpose behind a sale ie Engagement; Wedding etc, Will the chosen design name fit into this google search category? Will it influence your design be found?

  2. How easy is the name to spell? If the project or product name is too clever, ironic or witty your jewellery/brand may not be easily found.

  3. Research - Make sure your chosen name is not the same as another jeweller’s project, give it a point of difference.

  • Think about Google & Social Media - Keep it interesting, enticing and relevant.


About the Author

Dawn Meaden-Johnson is the Director and Founder of The Bespoke Jewellery Training Company, she has 25 years’ experience working in the Jewellery Industry including at Signet Retail Jewellers and almost 10 Years at Birmingham City University School of Jewellery during which time she has worked extensively with national and international clients whilst managing their Short Course Programme.

A graduate Silversmith of Birmingham School of Jewellery BCU, Dawn still occasionally creates limited edition contemporary jewellery under the brand Dawnstorm, specialising in the use of anodised aluminium in jewellery.

Jewellery Repair Experience



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