3D Printing, often referred to as Additive Manufacturing is the process of designing by computer (CAD) and the conversion of an STL design file to enable a manufacturing process called Rapid Prototyping.
A machine produces and applies layers of material of varying thickness to create a 3D object, this is referred to as the additive manufacturing process.
The materials used depend on the capabilities of the printer.
The produced shape can then be used to product a model for casting in metal.
Using additive manufacturing or rapid prototyping an be a very accurate and useful way of reproducing many components.
Learning CAD (Computer Aided Design) is the starting point for designing a line of repeat production jewellery. By designing using specialist design software on your computer you can produce a CAD file which you can send to a specialist 3D Printing or Rapid Prototyping Bureau. Using their high tech equipment they can produce a metal model for you from your computer generated design.